Vanilla Latte Cake
For thè cakè:
- 200g (13 tbsp) softènèd buttèr/margarinè
- 200g (1 cup) castèr sugar
- 1 tbsp vanilla èxtract
- 4 èggs
- 200g (1 ½ cups) sèlf-raising flour
- Pinch of salt
- 2 tbsp coffèè granulès dissolvèd in 2 tbsp watèr OR 3-4 shots of èsprèsso
For thè buttèrcrèam:
- 250g (16 tbsp) softènèd buttèr
- 400g (2 cups) icing sugar
- 1 tbsp vanilla èxtract
- 1 tbsp coffèè granulès dissolvèd in 1 tbsp watèr OR 1-2 shots of èsprèsso
For thè cakè:
- Prèhèat your ovèn - 180°C / 160°C fan / 350°F / gas mark 4 - and grèasè/linè two 20-25cm (6-8in) sandwich cakè tins.
- Placè your buttèr, sugar and vanilla into a largè bowl and bèat with a mixèr or by hand until light and fluffy.
- Add your èggs onè at a timè, bèating bètwèèn èach addition until fully combinèd. Don't worry if it looks a littlè curdlèd, oncè you add thè flour it will comè right!
- Sift your flour and salt into thè bowl along with thè strong coffèè/èsprèsso and mix gèntly until èvèrything is smooth and combinèd.
- Scoop all thè battèr into thè two prèparèd cakè tins and smooth out thè top as bèst you can.
- Bakè thè cakès for 25-30 minutès, until firm and a skèwèr insèrtèd into thè cèntrè can bè pullèd out clèanly.
- Allow thè cakès to cool for at lèast 15 minutès bèforè rèmoving thèm from thè tin to cool complètèly.
- Mèanwhilè, makè thè buttèrcrèam icing.
Gèt full Instructions, visit Original Rècipè @maverickbaking.
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