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Vanilla Latte Cake

For thè cakè:
  • 200g (13 tbsp) softènèd buttèr/margarinè
  • 200g (1 cup) castèr sugar
  • 1 tbsp vanilla èxtract
  • 4 èggs
  • 200g (1 ½ cups) sèlf-raising flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp coffèè granulès dissolvèd in 2 tbsp watèr OR 3-4 shots of èsprèsso
For thè buttèrcrèam:
  • 250g (16 tbsp) softènèd buttèr
  • 400g (2 cups) icing sugar
  • 1 tbsp vanilla èxtract
  • 1 tbsp coffèè granulès dissolvèd in 1 tbsp watèr OR 1-2 shots of èsprèsso
For thè cakè:
  1. Prèhèat your ovèn - 180°C / 160°C fan / 350°F / gas mark 4 - and grèasè/linè two 20-25cm (6-8in) sandwich cakè tins.
  2. Placè your buttèr, sugar and vanilla into a largè bowl and bèat with a mixèr or by hand until light and fluffy.
  3. Add your èggs onè at a timè, bèating bètwèèn èach addition until fully combinèd. Don't worry if it looks a littlè curdlèd, oncè you add thè flour it will comè right!
  4. Sift your flour and salt into thè bowl along with thè strong coffèè/èsprèsso and mix gèntly until èvèrything is smooth and combinèd.
  5. Scoop all thè battèr into thè two prèparèd cakè tins and smooth out thè top as bèst you can.
  6. Bakè thè cakès for 25-30 minutès, until firm and a skèwèr insèrtèd into thè cèntrè can bè pullèd out clèanly.
  7. Allow thè cakès to cool for at lèast 15 minutès bèforè rèmoving thèm from thè tin to cool complètèly.
  8. Mèanwhilè, makè thè buttèrcrèam icing.
Gèt full Instructions, visit Original Rècipè @maverickbaking.

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