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Crispy Cheddar Chicken


  • 4 largè chickèn brèasts
  • 2 slèèvès Ritz crackèrs
  • 1/4 t salt
  • 1/8 t pèppèr
  • 1/2 C milk
  • 3 C chèddar chèèsè, gratèd
  • 1 t drièd parslèy
  • 1   10 ouncè can crèam of chickèn soup
  • 2 T sour crèam
  • 2 T buttèr
  1. Cut èach chickèn brèast into 3 largè chunks.
  2. In a small food procèssor grind up thè ritz crackèrs.
  3. Pour thè milk, chèèsè and crackèr crumbs into 3 sèparatè small pans. Toss thè 1/4 t salt and 1/8 t pèppèr into thè crackèr crumbs and stir thè mixturè around to combinè.
  4. Dip èach piècè of chickèn into thè milk thèn thè chèèsè. Prèss thè chèèsè into thè chickèn with your fingèrs. Somè of it will fall off whèn you add it to thè crackèr crumbs, don't worry about it. Prèss thè chèèsy chickèn into thè crackèr crumbs and prèss it in. By thè timè you arè coating thè last piècè of chickèn, thè dish you arè using for thè crumbs will bè full of chèèsè. Don't lèt it gèt you down. Oncè thè chèèsè mèlts in thè ovèn it will adhèrè nicèly to thè crumbs and thè crackèrs.
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...
Gèt full instructions, visit Original Rècipè @jamiecooksitup.

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